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Anxiety Relief Products 

Wellness Products

Each of the items on this page are products recommended based on research, personal use, and *quality of ingredients. Links on this page are affiliate links, which give a portion of profit back to HerTime Therapy, LLC without increasing the cost to you! 

*Quality Standards: Organic, Non-GMO, No Animal Testing 

Herbal Supplements

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Passion flower is a climbing vine native to the southeastern United States, and Central and South America. A few small clinical trials suggest that passion flower supplements may help with anxiety at levels comparable to prescription medication. The chemicals in passionflower have calming, sleep inducing, and muscle spasm relieving effects.

Dosage: Capsules containing 400 mg of passion flower
extract twice daily for 2-8 weeks or 45 drops of liquid
extract of passion flower has been used daily in tea for up to one month.

Valerian has been used as a sedative in Europe and Asia for
thousands of years. It is most well known for its ability to
help ease insomnia. Researchers are unsure exactly how
valerian eases anxiety, but it is believed to subtly increases
the levels of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain.
GABA contributes to a calming effect in the body and is what common prescription drugs for anxiety, such as alprazolam (Xanax) and diazepam (Valium), also increase.

One small 2002 study in 36 patients with generalized anxiety disorder found that 50 mg of valerian root extract given three times a day for four weeks significantly reduced one measure of anxiety compared to placebo.

Dosage: Starting with lowest dose, take between 120 to 200
mg, three times per day for anxiety, or 300-600 mg before
bed for insomnia for up to two weeks.

Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb that is often
used in Ayurvedic medicine. It’s classified as an adaptogen,
meaning that it can help your body manage stress.


Ashwagandha also provides numerous other benefits for
your body and brain including boosting brain function,
lower blood sugar, and cortisol levels, and help fight
symptoms of anxiety and depression.

In a 60-day study in 64 people with chronic stress, those in
the group that supplemented with ashwagandha reported a
69% reduction in anxiety and insomnia, on average,
compared with 11% in the placebo group

Dosage: 2-3 ml (40-100 drops) taken 2-3 times per day

Tea's & Coffee Alternatives

Lemon balm is a lemon-scented herb that comes
from the same family as mint and has been used to
improve mood and cognitive function. Preliminary
research shows lemon balm can reduce some
symptoms of anxiety, such as nervousness and

A 2016 study found that lemon balm tea, or Melissa
officinalis, improved anxiety symptoms and sleep
quality in people who had experienced burns.

A 2019 double-blind study looked at people who
recently had heart bypass surgery. Those who took
capsules containing 1.5 grams of dried lemon balm per
day had lower anxiety levels than those who took a

Dosage: 1-3 cups of tea or 300 to 600 mg of lemon
balm three times per day

Chamomile is part of the daisy family of flowers and has
been used for thousands of years, including by the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Romans. It has medicinal uses for
several ailments, and some research data shows that
short-term use of chamomile can be effective in reducing
symptoms of anxiety. Note that chamomile can increase the risk of bleeding when used with blood-thinning drugs.

A 2016 study concludes that people who took chamomile
extract for 8 weeks had a reduction in generalized anxiety
disorder (GAD) symptoms. Its effects were comparable with those of an anti-anxiety drug. The participants took 1,500 mg of chamomile per day.

Dosage: Tincture: 15 ml three to four times daily
Tea: 1 to 4 cups of tea per day. Capsules: 400 to 1600 mg in
divided doses daily.

L-theanine is an amino acid that occurs in green and black tea. Some evidence suggests that it is a mild sedative and
anti-anxiety agent.

A 2016 double-blind study found that people who consumed a beverage containing 200mg of L-theanine had lower stress response and cortisol levels after undertaking a
challenging task than those who received a

Dosage: 1-3 cups of tea per day. If taking supplements, start with the lowest effective dosage of l-theanine. Supplements often come in 200 mg capsules. People should not
exceed 400 mg without first asking a doctor.

L-theanine is an amino acid that occurs in green and black tea. Some evidence suggests that it is a mild sedative and
anti-anxiety agent.

A 2016 double-blind study found that people who consumed a beverage containing 200mg of L-theanine had lower stress response and cortisol levels after undertaking a
challenging task than those who received a

Dosage: 1-3 cups of tea per day. If taking supplements, start with the lowest effective dosage of l-theanine. Supplements often come in 200 mg capsules. People should not
exceed 400 mg without first asking a doctor.

Teechino products are an excellent coffee substitute for those with anxiety that is elevated by caffeine. This tea looks, smells, and tastes just like coffee but has added health benefits, including antioxidants known as polyphenols that prevent damage to cells caused by free radicals.


Also included in each cup is potassium, an electrolyte mineral that stimulates the rapid transmission of nerve impulses, increases tissue oxygenation, and supports healthy muscle contraction. Potassium also helps neutralize acidity and restore the blood’s alkaline balance.


Teeccino also contains slightly less than 1 gram of soluble fiber in a 10 oz mug. Inulin from chicory and dandelion roots is a prebiotic soluble fiber that helps restore your gut health by feeding your probiotics. Soluble fiber from barley contains beta-glucan that has been shown to lower LDL-cholesterol and beta-glucan which has anti-tumor and immune stimulating properties.


Dosage: 1-3 cups of tea per day. 

Passionflower has long been used to improve sleep quality. It may also help ease symptoms of anxiety.


Researchers in a 2017 study found that a passionflower supplement worked as well as a common anti anxiety medication for reducing anxiety in people having dental work.


Dosage: 1-3 cups per day, best taken in the afternoon or evening prior to sleep. 


Gamma-Aminobutyric acid is an amino acid produced naturally in the brain. GABA functions as a neurotransmitter, facilitating communication among brain cells. GABA’s big role in the body is to reduce the activity of neurons in the brain and central nervous
system, which in turn has a broad range of effects on the body and mind, including increased relaxation, reduced stress, a more calm, balanced mood, alleviation of pain, and a boost to sleep.


Dosage: May be taken in doses as small as 100 mg daily, up to 750 mg 2-3 times per day, likely at bedtime

Research shows that magnesium plays an important
role in regulating neurotransmitters, which send
messages throughout the brain and body. It is believed
to affect a part of the brain called the hypothalamus,
which helps regulate the pituitary and adrenal glands.
These glands are responsible for your response to

A 2017 review that looked at 18 different studies found
that magnesium does reduce anxiety. These studies
looked at mild anxiety, counseling, anxiety during premenstrual
syndrome, postpartum anxiety, and generalized

Dosage: Magnesium can have anti-anxiety effects
generally used dosage of between 75 and 360 mg a day,
according to the 2017 review.

B vitamins are a group of eight different water soluble nutrients that work together to manage many processes in the body, including stress levels. B-complex supplements may relieve stress, boost cognitive performance and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, even in people without B vitamin deficiencies.

A 2017 study found that people who had lower blood levels of vitamin B-12 were more likely to have depression or anxiety. Additionally, a 2018 study found people who ate foods high in B vitamins had better anxiety and stress scores than people who did not.

Dosage: B vitamins work synergistically together and are best taken together as a complex. Follow recommended dosage printed on supplement label.

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